Advertising Effectiveness Research | Marketing Research

Advertising Effectiveness Research | Marketing Research
For a well-known producer of food products in the Polish market, we conducted research on the effectiveness of their promotional activities. The main objective of the study was to verify the effectiveness of the advertising campaign undertaken to promote a new product in the client's portfolio.
The advertising effectiveness study was conducted in two stages using electronic surveys on a nationwide representative sample of the target audience for the promoted product. The same sample distribution was applied in each stage of the study.
To ensure a smooth survey process and a consistent sample structure, the study was conducted through our proprietary consumer panel, "Opinion Survey," enabling the research using the CAWI method.
The Opinion Survey Panel is an online platform with nationwide coverage, gathering Polish consumers who purchase products and services in various market segments. The extensive and diverse panelist database, coupled with advanced IT solutions, makes our consumer panel an ideal tool for cyclic studies on preferences, shopping habits, and brand perception.
The first measurement preceded the evaluated campaign activities, while the second occurred after their full implementation. Each phase of the study included an assessment of the client's brand awareness (both research tools included a similar set of questions regarding spontaneous, aided, and top-of-mind awareness).
The first stage of the effectiveness study also included the estimation of:
  • TV station viewership among the target audience;
  • the scope of peak viewing hours;
  • reactions to advertising blocks;
  • the popularity of radio programs and peak listening hours.
The second survey measurement, concluding the advertising effectiveness study, aimed to demonstrate:
  • the level of product advertising awareness for the client;
  • aspects of the advertisement remembered by the product audience;
  • a catalog of positive and negative features of the advertisement.
Given the over two-month duration of the campaign activities, the entire research process - including methodology development, measurements, and results analysis and interpretation - was completed over 4.5 months. The advertising effectiveness study showed that the promotional campaign had a favorable impact on the awareness and perception of the client's brand and the recognition of the new product in its portfolio. The survey revealed specific elements of the advertisement that captured viewers' attention and how they were perceived positively/negatively. This knowledge will be utilized in designing future promotional activities.
Marketing Research Offer
brand awareness research advertising campaign effectiveness studies brand research
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