Beer Market Research in Poland | Market Research

Beer Market Research in Poland | Market Research
For one of our clients, a renowned brewery company in Europe, we conducted market research on the beer industry in Poland. The project scope included analyzing beer sales data in Poland, the distribution network characteristics, alcohol consumption preferences among Poles, and a detailed competitive analysis of the market. The research was primarily conducted using the Desk Research method.
The market research was divided into several stages. In the first step, the analysis focused on existing beer market data (such as production size, consumption, market share of different price segments, and beer styles). The next stage involved analyzing purchasing and consumption preferences of beer consumers. Finally, a synthesis of the collected data and a competitive analysis were performed, resulting in a comprehensive competitor analysis.
The conducted market research revealed that the beer market in Poland has significant growth prospects. Unlike other industries with intense competition, the focus in the beer market is on improving product quality rather than engaging in price wars. Key research findings include:
  • Since 2000, there has been a significant increase in beer consumption in Poland. In recent years, beer consumption has stabilized, with a notable interest in craft and non-alcoholic beers. However, the classic lager remains the most consumed type of beer in Poland

  • Retail sales have remained at a similar level in recent years, but there is a shift towards the popularity of craft and artisanal beers. The dominance of the top three market players is decreasing in favor of smaller producers.
  • 74.0% of adult Poles consume beer regularly (22.8 million people – at least once a month).
  • There are over 210 breweries in Poland, providing both regional and national competition (including the top three brewing companies).
  • Poland ranks as the third-largest beer market in the European Union in terms of sales, with domestic production reaching approximately 40 million hectoliters.
  • The majority of Poles purchase beer in small-format stores (64%), mainly in neighborhood shops. Discount stores account for 19.8%, while large-format stores represent 13.7%. It's worth noting that hypermarkets mainly sell large volumes of beer, while discount stores focus on craft and imported beers. Beer is least frequently purchased at gas stations, with a share of 2.5%.
  • Despite a decrease in market share in recent years, large brewing companies still control a significant portion of the market (78.2%). Kompania Piwowarska remains the leader, holding a 33.3% market share.
  • Analyzing the sales of individual segments, lager remains the most sold type (73.1%). Strong beers are the second most commonly purchased type (10.2%). The market is witnessing an increase in the sale of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers (currently 1.9% of the market). 
  • Consumer purchasing preferences show a significant dynamic growth in non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers (+22.9%) and specialty beers (+16.9%).
The beer market in Poland has substantial development prospects. Changes in alcohol consumption patterns in Poland, with a decline in vodka sales in favor of beer and premium strong alcohols (e.g., whiskey), are evident. Despite positive trends in the market, notable changes are occurring in consumer preferences. There is a growing interest in higher-quality beers at higher price points. Changes are also noticeable in the strategies of brewery companies, with the top three domestic producers increasingly focusing on introducing new products in the premium beer segments. Moderate market growth is projected, but shifts in Polish consumer purchasing preferences are expected to lead to an increased market share for specialty beers (new styles) and premium beers.
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