A brand plays a role of a company's business card, which enables the identification of its products, guarantees their quality, and also arouses customers' interest. Due to its identification aspect, a brand plays an extremely important role in the process of product selection and purchase, where it, along with price, constitutes the basic factors influencing consumer buying behavior.
Brand awareness can be measured using the following indicators:
Telephone interviews
Internet-based surveys
personal interviewing
Frequently asked questions.
Brand awareness is particularly important when it comes to FMCG products, which are fast-moving consumer goods. A consumer's good knowledge of a brand shortens their decision-making process, which encourages them to make faster purchases through a system of positive associations.
It all depends on the complexity of the questionnaire and the sample size. A big advantage in this regard is research conducted using online survey techniques, as they can be completed in just a few days.