Brand Awareness Study - Vacuum Cleaners | Brand Research

Brand Awareness Study - Vacuum Cleaners | Brand Research


Industry: Household Appliances (HA) - Manufacturer of vacuum cleaners with water filtration/ washing with water filtration
Type of study: Marketing research, brand awareness measurement
Scope of the study: Nationwide
Research technique: Online survey (CAWI) on the consumer panel "Opinion Research"
Research group: Adults planning to purchase a vacuum cleaner within the next 12 months and those who have made such a purchase in the last 12 months.
Sample size: 500 respondents


Specific research objectives:

  • Obtain information on brand awareness in the Polish HA market.
  • Verify the level of brand awareness compared to competitive brands.
  • Determine the brand image compared to competitive brands.
  • Identify sources of information about the brand under study.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of vacuum cleaners with water filtration/ washing with water filtration.
  • Determine the user profile of vacuum cleaners with water filtration/ washing with water filtration.
  • Assess the likelihood of purchasing the product of the brand under study.
  • Determine the level of customer loyalty to the brand.
Indicators used in the analysis of research results:
  • Unaided Brand Awareness (UBA) - the percentage of respondents who can independently name the brand under study when considering a specific product category.
  • Aided Brand Awareness (ABA) - the percentage of respondents who declare awareness of the brand under study in a given product category after its name is mentioned.
  • Top of Mind Awareness (TOM) - the percentage of respondents who spontaneously mention the studied brand as the first among brands in a given product category.
  • DAGMAR method measurement - determining the extent to which the studied brand exists in the awareness of potential consumers. This method categorizes respondents into groups that:
    • Have never encountered the brand (unaware individuals),
    • Know that the brand exists but do not know its characteristics (aware individuals),
    • Know the brand and its distinctive features (understanding individuals),
    • Have made a purchase of the brand's product (active buyers).


  • The measurement of vacuum cleaner brand awareness revealed that the studied brand is unknown to a wide group of consumers in the HA market in Poland. However, among those aware of the brand's existence, a high level of familiarity with the characteristic features of its products was noted.
  • The studied brand was correctly associated with the relevant product category, particularly vacuum cleaners with water filtration/washing with water filtration. Furthermore, the measurement results indicated the widespread perception of the brand as a company offering high-quality products.
  • Additionally, the study verified the level of satisfaction among customers of the studied brand. One of the basic indicators measuring customer satisfaction, the Net Promoter Score (NPS), showed that among consumers, there are more brand promoters than critics or indifferent individuals.
  • The conducted measurement also allowed the identification of a strongly defined profile of the potential target group for the brand. It was observed that users of washing or water filtration vacuum cleaners are primarily individuals aged 30-44, with a very good financial situation, having allergies, or living with allergic individuals.

The implementation of the brand awareness study enabled the verification of the actual level of brand awareness compared to the competition. Based on the obtained data, the need to increase the reach of the brand's informational campaigns to reach a wider customer base became evident. The study not only provided information regarding brand awareness but also insights into potential customers' awareness of the brand's product features. The knowledge gained from the conducted research facilitated effective and informed planning of the brand's marketing campaigns.

Brand Awareness Studies
opinion research marketing research brand research
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