Brand Communication - Consumer Expectations | Brand Research

Brand Communication - Consumer Expectations | Brand Research

In collaboration with SMSAPI, we conducted a study on brand communication. The primary goal of the study was to determine consumers' attitudes towards marketing messages received via email, SMS, MMS, or social media.


The brand communication study was conducted using the CAWI quantitative research technique (online surveys) on a nationwide sample of 1,000 respondents. The study utilized a proprietary panel dedicated to Opinion Research surveys.


During the study implementation, respondents were asked questions aiming to estimate:
  • The type of device they most frequently use for shopping, making payments, or receiving offers and promotions.
  • The time they take to read messages received from their favorite store or brand.
  • The type of unread messages (SMS, emails, etc.).
  • The frequency of receiving unsolicited promotional information.
  • The scale of unsubscribing from subscriptions.
  • Characteristics of an ideal offer or promotion.
  • Personal data they are consciously willing to share with a brand.
  • Effectiveness of selected communication channels.
  • The most significant elements of the customer service process.


After analyzing the obtained data, it was found that respondents most frequently receive offers or promotions on their smartphones (59.3%), while they mostly make purchases on a computer (71.0%). Respondents usually read SMS messages from favorite brands within 1 to 5 minutes of receiving them (41.5%). In the case of email messages, almost half of the respondents usually read them more than 1 hour after receiving them. Over half of the respondents have unread emails in their inbox, with the least having missed phone calls (6.7%). Almost three-quarters of respondents often receive spam. More than a quarter of respondents, within a specified time, unsubscribed from a subscription they consciously joined, with too frequent messages from the company/brand/store being the most common reason (64.0%). In the opinion of almost 7 out of 10 respondents, an ideal offer/promotion is one that cannot be missed, contains information about attractive discounts (64.0%), and clear rules for participating in the promotion (63.5%). Customers most commonly share information with brands such as gender (80.8%) and email address (76.0%), while least frequently disclosing their earnings (8.5%). Almost 2/5 respondents considered email as an effective channel for communicating information about promotions. In the opinion of almost 8 out of 10 respondents, the most crucial aspect of the customer service process is the speed of response and problem resolution.
The assumed goals in the creation of the methodology were successfully achieved. Furthermore, valuable information was obtained that will enable the company to better tailor its offerings to customer needs. Importantly, elements that discourage consumers from using subscriptions were identified.
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