Brand Image Study | Brand Research

Brand Image Study | Brand Research
For our strategic partner specializing in the advisory and investment sector, we conducted a brand image study. This included determining associations triggered by the brand, customer identification with the brand, attractiveness of the brand image, awareness of projects carried out by the brand, and tracking the brand on social media.
To execute the project, we utilized quantitative research with the CATI technique. Subsequently, we selected the target group, among which we employed online surveys (using the CAWI technique). During the brand image study, key reference points among surveyed respondents included:
  • Brand awareness.
  • Associations with the brand.
  • Perception of the brand's target audience.
  • Consumer evaluations of specific brand attributes.
  • How customers gather information about the brand (social media).
  • How the brand is perceived compared to competitors.
  • The attractiveness of the brand image.
  • The brand's greatest strength.
  • Whether the actual brand image aligns with the desired image by the company.
  • Recognition of the brand as an expert.
  • Awareness of the brand's projects among clients.
  • Customer identification with the brand.
Through this conducted study, our strategic client could verify the actual brand image against the desired image by the company. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, it was found that 71.0% of customers seek information about the brand on the internet. The brand's expert team (15.0%) and its established market position (13.6%) were considered the brand's greatest strengths. Respondents positively assessed the brand's image compared to competitors, with almost one-third (32.1%) considering the brand more reliable than its competitors. A significant majority (72.0%) of respondents found the brand image attractive. Most (52.3%) respondents appreciated the opportunity to use the brand's informational materials. Just under one-tenth (9.8%) of respondents were familiar with most of the brand's projects, while 37.0% knew at least a few of them. It's worth noting that only one in five (21.0%) respondents knew and followed the social media accounts of the analyzed brand.
Based on the obtained data, there was a clear need to increase the reach of the brand's informational campaigns to reach a wider audience. It is evident that the brand's image is perceived as expert, built on rich market experience and a professional team. However, considering the client's industry, it would be essential to increase the brand's informational reach to elevate its recognition and maintain its attractive image.
See also:
Sample Implementation:
Brand Awareness Studies

Frequently asked questions

How is brand recognition studied?
Brand recognition studies are based on three indicators. The first indicator is spontaneous awareness, which occurs when the respondent spontaneously indicates known brands. The next indicator is aided awareness, which involves pointing out brands from a presented list. The third factor is TOM awareness, which pertains to the percentage of respondents who indicated a particular brand as their first choice.
What are the benefits of brand recognition studies?

Through brand recognition studies, you gain insight into how to positively build your brand's image. Results from brand recognition studies form the basis for preparing a strategy that will strengthen brand loyalty and build a competitive advantage in the market.

What is the timeline for conducting brand recognition studies?

The timeline for conducting brand recognition studies depends on the complexity of the survey and the sample size for which the study is conducted. Another determining factor is the choice of survey method. For the fastest results, the CAWI method is recommended, as results can be obtained in just a few days.

What is the cost of conducting brand recognition studies?

The cost of conducting brand recognition studies is always determined individually. The study cost depends on the sample size, i.e., the number of conducted surveys. The number and nature of questions, as well as the complexity of the survey, also influence the study cost.

What data can be obtained from brand recognition studies?

The research report includes a detailed analysis of data and research findings. We statistically process this information based on collected survey data. The exact scope of processed data is determined during the planning stage and depends on the client's individual needs.

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