Case study

Market research
Market Research on Assisted Living Apartments for Seniors | Market Study Market Research on Assisted Living Apartments for Seniors | Market Study
Did you know that the senior care market has great prospects in Poland? Check out our case study on the market research...
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Market research
Therapeutic Concepts Used in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders | Market Research Therapeutic Concepts Used in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders | Market Research
We have verified the therapeutic concepts used by doctors in the treatment of psychotic disorders with an atypical antip...
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Market research
Beer Market Research in Poland | Market Research Beer Market Research in Poland | Market Research
For one of our clients, a renowned brewery company in Europe, we conducted market research on the beer industry in Po...
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Market research
Packaging Content Study | Market Research Packaging Content Study | Market Research
As part of our collaboration with our client, a pharmaceutical sector entity, we conducted a packaging content study...
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Market research
Psychiatric Market Study | Market Research Psychiatric Market Study | Market Research
For an international medical conglomerate with a solid position in the long-term care market, we conducted a study on...
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Market research
Two-Stage Analysis OTC Medicine for Children with Infections | Market Research Two-Stage Analysis OTC Medicine for Children with Infections | Market Research
BioStat conducted a study on a medical product at the time of changes in its composition. The goal of the study w...
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Market research
Models for Forecasting Global Gas Consumption | Market Research Models for Forecasting Global Gas Consumption | Market Research
  For the market leader in gas in Poland, Polish Oil Mining and Gas Extraction S.A. (Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i ...
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Market research
Study on the Digitization Level of Polish Industrial Enterprises | Market Research Study on the Digitization Level of Polish Industrial Enterprises | Market Research
BioStat Research and Development Center examined the degree of digitization in Polish industrial companies. Read our cas...
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