Case study

Product research
Consumer Research on Perceptions of Country of Origin Information on Product Labeling | Product Research Consumer Research on Perceptions of Country of Origin Information on Product Labeling | Product Research
The main objective of the consumer survey commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was to under...
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Satisfaction surveys
Customer Satisfaction Survey for NFZ Using Survey Kiosks | Satisfaction Research Customer Satisfaction Survey for NFZ Using Survey Kiosks | Satisfaction Research
On behalf of the National Health Fund, we conducted a customer satisfaction survey using a modern solution, which are su...
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Satisfaction surveys
Customer Opinion Survey Using Survey Kiosks Pharmacy | Satisfaction Research Customer Opinion Survey Using Survey Kiosks Pharmacy | Satisfaction Research
Survey kiosks provide quick and automated execution of opinion surveys at the point of service....
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Satisfaction surveys
Employee Engagement Survey | Satisfaction Research Employee Engagement Survey | Satisfaction Research
Properly engaged employees are undoubtedly one of the elements of a company's market success....
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Market research
Study on the Digitization Level of Polish Industrial Enterprises | Market Research Study on the Digitization Level of Polish Industrial Enterprises | Market Research
BioStat Research and Development Center examined the degree of digitization in Polish industrial companies. Read our cas...
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Mystery shopping
Mystery Shopper - Pharmacies Mystery Shopper - Pharmacies
Mystery Shopper in Pharmacy. Service standards, sample implementations, control of pharmacy service, customer. Mystery s...
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