Foreign Clients | Satisfaction Research

Foreign Clients | Satisfaction Research
BioStat also conducts highly specialized studies allowing for the assessment of the quality of services provided by companies catering to foreign clients interested in investments in Poland. These studies were carried out using both qualitative and quantitative methods, which were complementary to each other. For the study, we conducted computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) as well as individual in-depth interviews (IDI). Additionally, ongoing contact was maintained through telephone and email communication with the client's institution employees.
As part of the study, visits to the client's headquarters were also conducted, taking place in a foreign language to immerse ourselves in the role of a typical client of the institution.
The main objective of the conducted study was to assess the quality of services provided by the institution's employees in terms of satisfaction of foreign investors. The study also addressed issues related to the accessibility of employees and the form and quality of information provided.
The following issues were addressed in the conducted study:
  • Contact and sources of information
  • Decision-making about the choice of the investment project location
  • The client's institution as a business partner
  • Evaluation of employees and their competencies
  • Additional expectations and recommendations
One of the elements that allowed us to understand the level of customer satisfaction with services was the evaluation of the current state of specified aspects of the institution's functioning. The level of individual areas was determined using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicated the worst rating and 5 the best. The areas assessed included engagement, quality of offered information, quality of offered services, adequacy of offered services in relation to customer needs, and the comprehensiveness of services.
In the qualitative part of the study, participants shared their experiences related to cooperation with similar institutions. This approach enabled the creation of recommendations regarding elements that could enhance the institution's functioning and the effectiveness of collaboration with foreign investors.
Areas assessed included:
  • Support in acquiring local partners
  • Familiarity with Polish economic conditions
  • Engagement
  • Quality of offered information
  • Adequacy of offered services to the needs of investment projects
  • Comprehensive nature of offered services
  • Clarity of procedures
  • Utility of offered services
  • Quality of offered services
The investors also evaluated the client's institution's website. The implementation of the study also allowed for the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the institution, leading to actions aimed at minimizing the impact of weaknesses on the institution's operation and strengthening the focus on its strengths.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Offer
satisfaction survey in-depth interviews development of recommendations
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