Marketing Strategy Research | Marketing Research

Marketing Strategy Research | Marketing Research
For our client, a representative of a public institution, we conducted a market study with the development of a marketing strategy for local government units. Our goal was to determine the directions of actions and the method of implementing the planned strategy. It was also essential to plan its monitoring and the possibility of adjusting the undertaken activities.
The creation of a marketing strategy was preceded by market research, for which qualitative methods were applied, mainly using desk research analysis. The next step was to conduct a marketing audit of the client's company, analyze market competition, and finally, define the mission and goals of the company, as well as its target market. It was also important to analyze the behaviors influencing consumers.
The conducted marketing audit had the following objectives:
  • Evaluate the consistency of the mission and vision with the actual needs of the market.
  • Conduct an analysis of the current state.
  • Assess past marketing activities.
  • Analyze demographic and labor market situations.
The conducted study covered an analysis of the current state of affairs in areas within the client's responsibility, especially in the fields of education, environmental protection, healthcare, public safety, social assistance, sports and culture, infrastructure, transportation, spatial economy, and support for entrepreneurs.
In close cooperation with our client, the strategic balance was expanded by a SWOT analysis, consisting of three main stages:
STAGE I. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of local government units.
STAGE II. Determining the weights of the identified factors in terms of their impact on the development of local government units.
STAGE III. Creating a matrix of the marketing strategy and choosing the best strategy for local government units.
In building the framework of development policy, it was crucial to define the vision and mission of local government units. This vision had to describe the desired state for the institution, territory, or community in the long term. Therefore, it should answer questions such as:
  • What will reality look like in a few years?
  • How should the local community function?
The developed vision was intended to serve the strategic development goals set for the years up to 2020.
During the conducted research, the mission of local government was also outlined, indicating the most important values that those responsible for implementing the tasks of local government units should follow. This also includes the current implementation of development policy. It should be noted that the assigned mission is a system of values that local government units must adhere to in order to achieve a specific state of the vision.
  • The mission should therefore answer:
  • What should be guided by, aiming to achieve the vision?
  • What is the sense of action?
The developed marketing strategy of local government units included tasks divided into specific strategic objectives:
  • Protection of the natural environment, agriculture, and nature.
  • Strengthening the non-governmental sector in the areas of local government units.
  • Promotion and protection of health, as well as the development of social care.
  • Development of local entrepreneurship.
  • Economic development and infrastructure, especially in the areas of safety and communication.
Marketing Research Offer
market research marketing research competitive analysis
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