Mystery Shopper - Banks

Mystery Shopper - Banks

Current Situation

  • Client: banking industry
  • Number of banks: 20
  • Territorial distribution: nationwide (entire Poland)
  • Issue: Systematic decrease in the number of contracts made with the bank at branch offices;


  • Verification of service quality in all bank branches;
  • Examination of the quality of telephone service with consultants;
  • Verification of adherence by branch and telephone service employees to established procedures;
  • Evaluation of the appearance of branches both internally and externally;
  • Increase in the number of contracts directly concluded in bank branches by 20%.


The Mystery Shopping method study was conducted in 20 branches of an international bank located throughout Poland. This bank allows the establishment of contracts for its financial products both at the bank branch, over the phone, and entirely online.


Areas subject to examination:

  • Procedures related to initiating contact with the customer
  • Procedures related to service at branch counters
  • Assessment of the time and manner of customer response
  • Procedures related to ensuring the confidentiality of data
  • Visual assessment of the branch
  • Evaluation of the competence of stationary and telephone service employees
  • Courtesy of employees
  • Presentation of workstations and the appearance of employees
  • Ability to build customer loyalty

Study process:

  • Visits were conducted at regular intervals by trained Mystery Shoppers, whose characteristics aligned with the profile of a typical bank customer;
  • The course of visits was recorded using high-quality audio-visual equipment, and photographs were taken during the visits;
  • Both the client and the managers of individual branches had access to the results of quantitative and qualitative measurements, and they could generate summary reports in the form of charts using a mobile application;
  • The client could file complaints and provide feedback on the course of individual visits through the online platform.

Study Conclusions

  • A significant discouraging factor for customers in concluding contracts directly at bank branches was the long waiting time for service due to improper adherence to procedures by service employees;
  • Numerous cases were noted where there was no proper response to visiting customers (lack of verbal greetings and farewells, low levels of friendliness, and a lack of smiles);
  • External appearance of branches raised significant concerns, as well as the unattractive presentation of workstations;
  • Mystery Shoppers felt a low level of security regarding the sharing of personal data and documents;


  • Numerous irregularities regarding the quality of customer service in branches were identified;
  • Due to the introduction of a motivational program, the average waiting time for customer service at the branch was reduced by 20%;
  • Based on the study results, a decision was made to redesign the external appearance of branches;
  • Procedures were modified to ensure customer safety and data confidentiality;
  • An average increase of 15% in the number of contracts concluded each month at the bank branch.
  • Development of a reward system for employees based on research findings.
Mystery Shopping Study Offer
marketing research mystery shopper bank
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