Mystery Shopper - Footwear

Mystery Shopper - Footwear



Current Situation

  • Customer: footwear industry
  • Number of sales outlets: 15
  • Territorial distribution: nationwide (entire Poland)
  • Issues: 20% decrease in sales over the last 6 months and customer attrition to competitors,
  • Lack of clearly defined customer service standards.


  • Verification and evaluation of:
    • Customer contact procedures
    • Product display standards,
    • Visual elements in the stores
  • Determining the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction;
  • Examining the influence of satisfaction with service quality on the likelihood of repeat purchases.
  • Improve sales results by at least 10% one year after implementing standards;
  • Increase the number of customers by at least 10%.


Even before the study began, it was evident that the client's establishments did not have strictly defined customer service standards. Therefore, the client decided to utilize the comprehensive offering of BioStat to construct these standards.

Workshop meetings were held with representatives of the client, during which consultations took place regarding:

  • The company's profile,
  • Development policy assumptions and sales plans,
  • Mission, goals, and vision of the enterprise.


Workshop Conclusions:

  • The network was intended to have an exclusive character.
  • Target group: customers with sophisticated tastes and those following the latest fashion trends.


Verification of Assumptions

  • Customer satisfaction study:
    • Surveys for actual customers were distributed in the sales points of individual stores;
    • Survey results revealed customer expectations and problematic areas,
    • Result: development of a path for creating service standards.

Customer satisfaction study conclusions:

  • 40% of surveyed customers had reservations regarding the friendliness and personal culture of service staff:
    • Reason 1: lack of greetings on arrival and departure
    • Reason 2: lack of spontaneous assistance in selecting footwear;
  • Customers did not feel treated individually,
  • Employees did not express interest in customers' shopping needs;
  • 30% of dissatisfied customers decided not to return to the network's stores.

Implementation and evaluation of standards:

  • Development of a list of customer service standards recorded in a standards book;
  • Training for client employees by BioStat experts to ensure proper adherence to procedures,
  • Implementation of a motivational program for adhering to standards.
Implemented standards were regularly evaluated, and continuous monitoring of their adherence by employees was conducted during measurements in the Mystery Shopper study.

Mystery Shopper Study Process

  • Auditors documented the course of the study with photo and audio-video recordings.
  • Observations, evaluations, and conclusions were recorded in an online questionnaire using a mobile application on smartphones,
  • The client and footwear store managers systematically tracked measurement results online.


  • A 15% increase in sales results for the studied network one year after implementing standards;
  • A 10% increase in the number of customers;
  • Standardization of employee behaviors considering customer expectations;
  • Client-conducted training cycle for employees
    • Tailored to their needs
    • Translated into an increase in customer service competence
  • Introduction of a client-initiated reward system based on sales results and periodic control outcomes.
Mystery Shopping Study Offer
marketing research mystery shopper footwear
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