Mystery Shopper - Healthcare Facilities

Mystery Shopper - Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare Facilities

Biostat undertook a Mystery Shopper study to assess the quality of customer service in three medical facilities. The measurement was conducted through telephone conversations with consultants and personal visits by auditors to service locations. The Mystery Client study incorporated the client's guidelines for customer service standards at every stage.
Auditors were selected considering the profile of a potential client interested in using diagnostic services. In the telephone part of the study, their task was to attempt to obtain basic information about the diagnostic method, followed by expressing the intention to schedule an appointment.
The telephonic verification of compliance with the procedures in place at the facilities was conducted based on a dichotomous rating scale ("yes," "no"). Each assessed element could score from 0 to 4 points. Auditors checked, among other things, the use of recommended greetings by the consultant at the beginning and end of the conversation. They also verified the proposal of the nearest date for diagnostic services and the request for contact details. The ability to obtain information about referrals, preparation for the examination, and any contraindications was subsequently analyzed.
Auditors also assessed the quality of the telephone consultation on a scale of 1-5. They considered the extent to which the topic was covered in terms of information obtained in areas such as:
  • Harmfulness of the diagnostic service.
  • Possible contraindications to participation in the examination.
  • Necessary documents to present.
  • Estimated waiting time for test results.
Qualitative aspects such as the consultant's politeness and waiting time to initiate the conversation.
In the second part of the study, auditors visited the designated medical facilities with the intention of using diagnostic services. The visit aimed to attempt to obtain information included in the study scenario, analyze the behavior of the staff, and evaluate visual aspects in the facility. Using a qualitative scale of 1-5, auditors assessed, in addition to the ability to obtain information about the examination, aspects such as the professional appearance of the staff, the aesthetics of the workplace, cleanliness of the premises, and compliance with privacy standards.
The visit also aimed to verify the degree of compliance of employees with the applicable customer service procedures. Auditors referred to observed facts, marking "yes" or "no" in the questionnaire. The obtained data identified few deviations from the procedures, especially concerning staff reactions in case of delays in conducting diagnostic tests. Relatively low ratings in qualitative measurement were noted in the case of the presented characteristics of the service, as well as indicating the harmfulness of the examination and contraindications. This situation occurred both in telephone surveys and visits to facilities.
Comparing the results in individual measurements allowed for the identification of one facility where the most deviations from the set standards were observed. The information obtained during the study ultimately led to valuable recommendations, enabling the client to respond more effectively to the needs of their customers.
Mystery Shopper Services
mystery shopper service standards in a health center example implementations in a health center
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