Mystery Shopper - Restaurants

Mystery Shopper - Restaurants

Current Situation

  • Customer Type: gastronomic industry
  • Number of study locations: 8
  • Territorial Area: Mazowieckie Voivodeship
  • Issues: Lack of knowledge in customer service, non-compliance of service staff with established standards; constantly changing service standards have lost their binding value.


  • Determine the alignment of staff behavior with continually modified service standards.
  • Improve service quality by developing a mechanism to adapt standards to customer needs.
  • Enhance service quality by shaping desired attitudes of staff towards recommendations and standards outlined in service guidelines.


  • A long-term, 6-month monitoring of adherence to customer service standards was conducted in 8 gastronomic establishments in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. This involved 12 observations in each location - following the Mystery Shopper methodology - with two observations per month.
  • Audio/video recording equipment was used to document the observation process.
  • A separate scenario and evaluation questionnaire were developed for each observation in a given month.
  • The client had access to an electronic application with data through the website
  • A presentation of results was prepared, including quantitative and qualitative data, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • A workshop for managers on modifying service standards was organized.
  • Training for customer service staff on motivation to adhere to standards and expected standard outcomes was conducted.


  • Developed a procedure to recognize customer needs and preferences regarding types of dishes and diets.
  • Established appropriate approaches to presenting offerings based on customer needs.
  • Developed a procedure for modifying standards using direct customer feedback and feedback from staff.
  • Created an additional module on the company's website allowing for the posting of ongoing guidance for staff and the evaluation of adherence to recommendations.
Mystery Shopper Services
market research mystery shopper restaurants
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