
BioStat® Research
& Development Centre

2024 2023 2022 older
Biostat 6th consecutive year as research and development center
Biostat 6th consecutive year as research and development center
The Minister of Development and Technology has decided to maintain Biostat's status as a research and development...
Study on generalized myasthenia gravis for AstraZeneca
Study on generalized myasthenia gravis for AstraZeneca
The Biostat Research and Development Center will carry out another project in collaboration with AstraZeneca. T...
Study of new solutions in surgery for Corza Medical
Study of new solutions in surgery for Corza Medical
The Biostat Research and Development Center has signed an agreement with Corza Medical to conduct a PASS study in the...
Aneta Piechaczek, Phd from Biostat co-authors a wcientific article
Aneta Piechaczek, Phd from Biostat co-authors a wcientific article
Marek Kluszczyński, MD, who specializes in the rehabilitation of children and adolescents, has published a scientific...
Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer
Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer
Biostat Research and Development Center has signed an agreement with a pharmaceutical company Stallergenes Greer to c...
Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery
Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery
The innovative CoolCryo® system for cardiac cryoablation, for which Biostat is conducting a clinical trial,...
Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma
Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma
A non-interventional study among cardiology patients - this is a new field of cooperation between the Biostat R...
Biostat listed in the Forbes ranking
Biostat listed in the Forbes ranking
For another year in a row, Biostat Research and Development Center has been recognized in the ranking of the most dyn...
Biostat and MSD Polska collaborate on lung cancer study
Biostat and MSD Polska collaborate on lung cancer study
The Biostat Research and Development Centre starts cooperation with the MSD Polska pharmaceutical company. ...
Post-stroke aphasia. Biostat in a clinical trial in the US
Post-stroke aphasia. Biostat in a clinical trial in the US
Biostat's Research and Development Center has prepared a randomization system for a clinical trial being conducte...
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat We summarize 2023 at Biostat Group. We are p...
Summary of the conference called "Clinical trials – news and challenges in 2019"

Summary of the conference called "Clinical trials – news and challenges in 2019"

On April 2-3, our company took part in a conference "Clinical trials – news and challenges in 2019" organized per the initiative of Medical Pro Events. The conference took place at the Golden Floor Congress Centre in Warsaw.

The lectures were conducted by the representatives of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, Law Firms specializing in Pharmaceutical Law as well as independent experts. On behalf of BioStat®, dr Marian Płaszczyca gave a speech on the topic of digitizing the data collection process in clinical trials and future perspectives. It would be impossible to list all the interesting topics raised during the conference, yet all the discussions were dominated by the following topics: legal changes and new requirements in the process of issuing permissions for clinical trials, Regulation 536/2014, EMA work on the portal and database, a lately constituted organ – The Medical Research Agency, literature reviews or methods of effective recruitment of patients for clinical trials. The subject of the presented speeches proved that many factors influence the development of the clinical trials market, and which all process stakeholders decide about to varying degrees.

There is one main conclusion drawn from the conference –there is a lot of work to be done, but we think that Poland has a good chance to reach the leadership among countries that are promoted to carry out such projects on an international scale.

Thank you to all conference participants for creating a very friendly atmosphere.


> Learn more about Biostat's clinical research services

See also
Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer
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Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery
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Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma
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BioStat® is the Supporting Member for the Polish Association for Good Clinical Practice BioStat® is the Supporting Member for the Polish Association for Good Clinical Practice
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