Clinical and observational trials have been carried out by our company for years. The eCRF.bizTM system which is mostly used by our experts has been designed in accordance with the guidelines of FDA Title 21 CFR Part 11 and is a key point as far as research implementation is concerned in the national or foreign market. We know how much the knowledge of principles for CRF design contributes to the project success, what can be noticed at the level of data analysis in particular. Improper research design significantly increases the time needed for Data Management, and it is clear that the key to success is to have a balance between the amount of data gathered and their quality. The research aim determines the design of the clinical observation card, which results in the way information is represented in the database and statistical analysis. Our extensive know-how on the research implementation results from the direct contribution in research projects for the largest pharmaceutical concerns. Not only we provide the eCRF.bizTM software but also actively participate in the project from the very beginning of the research idea, thanks to which we are able to predict many aspects from the first project meetings. With this broad experience, we gladly undertake any training in the field of Data Management, eCRF design and statistics.
Our consulting is a perfect solution, since:
- we will show the direction of research development based on available data,
- we will systematise the research project, verify the correctness of research aims to the actions that have been undertaken in order to create the clinical observation card,
- we will eliminate research vulnerabilities, point out its assets, etc.
Find more about our training offer at: /szkolenia.php
See also.
> Learn more about Biostat's clinical research services