
BioStat® Research
& Development Centre

2024 2023 2022 older
Study of new solutions in surgery for Corza Medical
Study of new solutions in surgery for Corza Medical
The Biostat Research and Development Center has signed an agreement with Corza Medical to conduct a PASS study in the...
Aneta Piechaczek, Phd from Biostat co-authors a wcientific article
Aneta Piechaczek, Phd from Biostat co-authors a wcientific article
Marek Kluszczyński, MD, who specializes in the rehabilitation of children and adolescents, has published a scientific...
Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer
Biostat will conduct a medical experiment for Stallergenes Greer
Biostat Research and Development Center has signed an agreement with a pharmaceutical company Stallergenes Greer to c...
Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery
Cooperation of Biostat and Medinice. Doctors used the CoolCryo system during surgery
The innovative CoolCryo® system for cardiac cryoablation, for which Biostat is conducting a clinical trial,...
Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma
Biostat will conduct a non-interventional study for Adamed Pharma
A non-interventional study among cardiology patients - this is a new field of cooperation between the Biostat R...
Biostat listed in the Forbes ranking
Biostat listed in the Forbes ranking
For another year in a row, Biostat Research and Development Center has been recognized in the ranking of the most dyn...
Biostat and MSD Polska collaborate on lung cancer study
Biostat and MSD Polska collaborate on lung cancer study
The Biostat Research and Development Centre starts cooperation with the MSD Polska pharmaceutical company. ...
Post-stroke aphasia. Biostat in a clinical trial in the US
Post-stroke aphasia. Biostat in a clinical trial in the US
Biostat's Research and Development Center has prepared a randomization system for a clinical trial being conducte...
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat
It's been a good year! Summary of 2023 at Biostat We summarize 2023 at Biostat Group. We are p...
ViciData and Biostat project with the support of a Norwegian funds

ViciData and Biostat project with the support of a Norwegian funds

ViciData and Biostat are developing Digital Twin technology. Their joint project “Digital Twin of the Eye” received official financial support and recognition from SIVA, channeled through DigiCat ÅKP and supported by Kobben AS, an esteemed Norwegian investment group.


The virtual representation of complex information and physical structures has a rich history of application in industries such as spacecraft, oil, technology, and weather forecasting. In contrast, the field of modern medicine and healthcare has only recently embarked on its journey into this transformative technology.


ViciData took its pioneering step into this realm nearly two years ago, embracing the promising Digital Twin technology. Forecasts suggest that this innovation will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare and medicine as a whole.


Our initial foray into this exciting territory led us to engage with DigiCat AKP, a dynamic subsidiary of SIVA (The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway). Our presentation to this platform yielded resounding success, resulting in official financial support and recognition from Siva, channeled through DigiCat ÅKP and supported by Kobben AS, an esteemed Norwegian investment group.


“Notably, this support is not only an endorsement of ViciData but also a testament to the strength of our partnership with Biostat, Poland's foremost company in Health Care digital applications and statistics”

– says dr Jon Brodwall from ViciData.


Remarkably, our collaboration marks a historic moment, as it is the first time SIVA has welcomed the participation of a non-Norwegian entity in a project partially funded by official Norway. Together, ViciData and BioStat constitute a one-of-a-kind alliance, both nationally and internationally. We are committed to pioneering the development of software applications for Healthcare and Medicine, guided by our adoption of SNOMED-CT, recognized worldwide as the preeminent code and terminology system for Health Care and Medicine. The uniqueness and innovation of our project is a testament to our shared vision.


Rafał Piszczek, CEO Biostat, emphasizes that Biostat since nearly 20 years has been developing various models and methods in the area of AI, statistics and machine learning in medicine.


“We have been specialized in data processing and statistics and our next goal is to make something useful from our knowledge. The project Human digital twin of an Eye seems to be our future game changer.

What is a digital twin? A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle, is updated from gigabytes of real-time data, and uses simulation, AI, machine learning and reasoning to help decision making. At the end on the basis of data we create a model of an Eye.

The first step of project is to Identify the data to be evaluated: Identify the relevant datasets to analyze, including patient medical history, imaging data, and other pertinent information. Then we must define the variables and collect relevant data. At the end I hope we create a model (either on the basis of machine learning or AI) which we can call as a “beta version of Digital twin of the Eye”

– says Rafal Piszczek, CEO Biostat.


Starting from November 1, 2023, ViciData and BioStat embark on a collaborative journey with VD-Medical Twin, a venture that promises to push the boundaries of what is possible.


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