Packaging Content Study | Market Research

Packaging Content Study | Market Research
As part of our collaboration with our client, a pharmaceutical sector entity, we conducted a packaging content study aimed at identifying the impact of planned changes to the content of a medicinal product's packaging on the level of interest in the product.
To carry out the project, we conducted a quantitative study using the online research panel, Opinion Study. Due to the study's subject matter, the survey was intended exclusively for women. To achieve this, we selected the target group from our platform's user database.
To accurately identify potential effects of the changes planned by the client, we prepared a dedicated solution in the form of an online research questionnaire.
This questionnaire was designed to explore the following issues:
  • Medicinal products currently and previously used in the studied area,
  • Reasons for discontinuing the use of a specific medicinal product,
  • Level of interest in the analyzed medicinal product offered by competitors,
  • Perceptions of medicinal products with different packaging content (from different manufacturers),
  • Respondents' reactions to the proposed changes,
  • Respondents' inclination to change their current medicinal product after packaging changes,
  • Acceptable price range for the medicinal product after changes.
Through the execution of the study, we identified the most common patterns in the process of choosing medicinal products in the studied scope and reasons for discontinuation. As a result, the client learned how significant the packaging content is in the decision-making process and the level of interest among respondents in considering changes to the packaging. It was revealed that one-third of discontinuations of the analyzed medicinal product were due to limited packaging content compared to a competitor's product. Moreover, most patients using a competitor's product could not imagine packaging without all the elements. Furthermore, based on the results, the client could estimate the conditions to consider for the change to bring tangible benefits. The study results demonstrated the strong attachment to currently used products. After introducing changes to the packaging, patients using a competitor's product would be willing to switch if the price were at least 30% lower.
Market Research Offer
medications and supplements brand research pharmaceutical industry
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