Tourism market research

Tourism market research

Trust the proffesionals.

The BioStat company has a large experience in conducting research on the tourism market, providing a full picture of tourism and analysis of results. The conclusions drawn from research and analysis of tourist traffic allow, among others improve the quality of services offered, increase the level of customer satisfaction, or determine the expectations of tourists. The results of the tourism market research allow for a new definition of tourism policy at the local, subregional and supra-regional level.

The results of each research on the tourism market conducted by BioStat provide the Contractor with specific answers.

Our company carried out the project: "Research on tourism traffic in Lower Silesia in the county and subregional approach according to the Tourism Development Program Update in Lower Silesia" (pl. „Badanie ruchu turystycznego na Dolnym Śląsku w ujęciu powiatowym i subregionalnym wg Aktualizacji Programu Rozwoju Turystyki na Dolnym Śląsku”). The research was conducted on behalf of the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.

This is another tourist traffic research conducted by our company over the past years. Previous projects related to the analysis of tourist traffic included not only the area of one voivodeship but also tourist regions extending to several voivodeships.

We can implement:

  • Study of the tourist model (including the number of people, length of stay, expenses, etc.),
  • Measurements of the brand's presence in the media
    (including Social Media),
  • Structure of the target group (including demographic and social features),
  • Research on preferences in the tourist offer and leisure activities by tourists,
  • Research on tourists’ expectations regarding the tourist offer,
  • Research on the use of information sources about the tourist offer,
  • Research on the recognition of regional tourist brands,
  • Study on customers' opinions on the quality of tourist, hotel and catering services.
Comprehensive Tourism Research Services

Research methodology.

The study was carried out using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, which were complemented by analysis of existing data.
  • Desk research - analysis of existing data, including, among others, such sources as statistics of public institutions such as the Central Statistical Office, NFZ, legal acts and their amendments, financial reports of companies, newsletters, registers, public tender databases, media discourses or industry magazines;
  • PAPI - quantitative research with the use of paper questionnaires;
  • CAWI - surveys carried out online. It is the quickest way to obtain information from representative groups of respondents
  • IDI - individual in-depth interviews conducted with the participation of an experienced moderator. The result of the research is a report based on transcription from audio recordings;
  • CATI - telephone surveys conducted with the participation of such groups of respondents as customers, distributors, entrepreneurs from competing companies or industry experts. Quantitative interviews are conducted with the help of modern Cati-System software;
  • FGI - focused group interviews, commonly known as ‘focus’. They allow, among others to obtain information on the needs and hidden motives of customer purchasing behaviour;
  • Secret Client - thanks to the Secret Client method, we are able to determine the quality of service in outlets and check the compliance of employees with the standards set.

We look forward to working with you.

Research on the tourist market is the key to assessing and improving your offer as well as the services offered. Opinions about services that complement this measurement are in turn a convenient way to get to know the feelings, needs, expectations and preferences of consumers, and the brand's declared loyalty - this determinant is important from the point of view of creating lasting advantages on the tourism market and planning marketing activities.
Based on experience, proven methodological and IT background as well as on many years of market observation, we provide you with a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey, covering both their level of satisfaction with the stay, as well as opinion and loyalty to the brand.

We encourage you to take advantage of our services, and in case you have any questions - we will we happy to help you!

We carry out research using all available techniques and research methods including:

direct questionnaire interviews (PAPI)
Computer-aided questionnaire interviews (CAPI)
Individual in-depth interviews (IDI), dyads and triads
online surveys (CAWI)
telephone interviews (CATI)
focus group interviews (FGI)
desk research analysis
case study
SWOT analysis
Mobile Application ‘Kaszuby’

We have created - Mobile Application ‘Kaszuby’.

Mobile applications for Android and iOS created for the needs of the inhabitants of the Kaszuby region. The apps offer such functions as GPS module with maps and navigation, planning one’s own tourist routes with the nearest attractions, booking accommodation in hotels or profiles of individual catering objects, accommodation or local attractions. The application allows for sending PUSH notifications to users.

googleplay appstore

Kontakt Kontakt Kontakt Kontakt Kontakt
Monika Jaremków
Monika Jaremków, PhD
Director of Research

Frequently asked questions.

Na co należy zwrócić uwagę podczas przeprowadzania badań rynku turystycznego
Można powiedzieć, że ta tematyka badań, jest nieco specyficzna. Podczas badań rynku turystycznego, trzeba zwrócić szczególną uwagę na stale zmieniających się odbiorców. 
Coraz częściej zauważa się również wzrost świadomości konsumenckiej, a co za tym idzie? Wyższe wymagania względem oferty turystycznej.
Przedsiębiorstwa powinny wychodzić naprzeciw potrzebą i oczekiwaniom konsumentów tak, aby uzyskiwały przychód, a nie straty pieniężne. 
Jakie usługi możemy zaliczyć do rynku turystycznego?
Rynek turystyczny jest bardzo różnorodny, może on wyglądać całkowicie inaczej w zależności od danego przedsiębiorstwa, czy działalności. Jednak istnieją pewne sektory, które są charakterystyczne dla większości z nich.
Zaliczamy do nich usługi: przewozowe, hotelarskie, gastronomiczne, rekreacyjne, przewodnickie, kulturalne.
Dlaczego warto podjąć współpracę z naszymi badaczami?
Naszych specjalistów cechuje ogromne zaangażowanie w powierzone obowiązki. Profesjonalizm oraz wieloletnie doświadczenie to tylko wierzchołek góry lodowej oferowanych przez naszych specjalistów aspektów. 
Cena dobierana jest indywidualnie do każdego badania, zależy ona od problemu badawczego, wielkości badanej próby oraz, czy dodatkowo po naszej stronie będzie konieczne przeprowadzenie analizy. Grupa docelowa, również dobierana jest stricte pod każde badanie. 
Ile czasu trwa przeprowadzenie badania rynku turystycznego w Biostacie?
Tak naprawdę wszystko zależy. Zarówno od tego na ilu respondentach ma być przeprowadzane badanie, jak i, czy nasi specjaliści muszą dodatkowo przeprowadzić analizę danych oprócz samego sporządzenia raportu z badania. 
W większości przypadków sam przebieg ankietyzacji trwa od kilku godzin do 2 dni.
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