How social media is transforming the landscape of marketing research

The Future of Marketing Research
10 lipca 2024
Creating personas: Complex customer portraits Demographic data: Precision targeting of audiences User behavior information: A treasury of trends and preferences Choosing the right platforms: Key to effective marketing research Instagram: Aesthetic and visual inspiration LinkedIn: Business relationships and expertise TikTok: Dynamic formats for younger audiences Facebook: Largest database and versatile options
In the digital age, social media is a key element of communication and social interaction. The impact of these platforms on marketing research is undeniable, fundamentally changing the way businesses view and analyse their audiences. In this article, we will focus on how social media is transforming the marketing research landscape, taking into account persona creation, demographic data analysis, user behaviour information, and consider which of these platforms can be most useful in the context of marketing research.


Creating personas: Complex customer portraits

Social media-based marketing research allows for more advanced persona creation. By analyzing user activity on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, businesses can better understand what truly interests their customers. Personas are a sophisticated tool that enables the segmentation of audiences based on both demographic data and online behaviors.
- Analysis of social media data is often the first stage of market segmentation and persona creation. It is the starting point for further work on a demographically defined group. We then carry out, for example, a quantitative study on an already pre-defined group, and later deepen the subject matter during qualitative research - explains Dr Monika Jaremków - R&D Director at Biostat Research and Development Centre.
Beyond that: The future of marketing research

Demographic data: Precision targeting of audiences

Social media provides vast amounts of demographic data, which is invaluable for precisely targeting audiences. Advertisers can tailor their campaigns to the age, gender, location, or interests of users. For example, platforms like LinkedIn can be an excellent tool for companies looking to reach professionals, while Instagram may be effective for a younger age group interested in fashion or lifestyle.

User behavior information: A treasury of trends and preferences

Social media becomes a treasury of information on user behaviors. Analyzing likes, comments, shares, or clicks allows for tracking trends and preferences. Companies can monitor which content generates the most interest, identify popular products or services, and even respond to current events, enabling more flexible adjustment of marketing strategies.

Choosing the right platforms: Key to effective marketing research

There are many social media platforms, but choosing the right ones for marketing research is crucial. Facebook, with the largest user base, provides versatile targeting options. Instagram, with its visual nature, is ideal for brands associated with aesthetics. LinkedIn is excellent for companies focusing on business relationships. TikTok, with its dynamic format, can attract the attention of younger audiences.


Instagram: Aesthetic and visual inspiration

Instagram, a platform based on images, is excellent for showcasing products and building a brand's image. Advertising campaigns on Instagram can focus on aesthetics, inspiring users to interact with the brand.

LinkedIn: Business relationships and expertise

LinkedIn is invaluable for companies focusing on business relationships and building expertise in a particular industry. It is ideal for reaching professionals and sharing content related to business.


TikTok: Dynamic formats for younger audiences

TikTok, gaining popularity among younger users, offers dynamic formats and short films, attracting attention and generating engagement. It is an excellent option for brands targeting a younger audience.


Facebook: Largest database and versatile options

Facebook, with its vast user base, remains a versatile platform. It offers diverse advertising options, data analysis tools, and the ability to build a community around the brand.
Summary: Evolution of marketing research using social media
In a globalized society, social media plays a crucial role in marketing research, enabling more personalized, effective, and data-driven campaigns. Creating personas, analyzing demographic data, and user behavior information are tools that help better understand and reach today's consumers. Choosing the right social media platforms becomes a key element of marketing strategy, allowing companies to reach their audience more efficiently.
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Frequently asked questions

Why is it important to analyse which platform your target audience is using?
Analysing your target audience's preferred social media platform is crucial as it allows you to tailor your marketing strategy to the specific platform, increasing the effectiveness of your campaign. Understanding whether your target audience actively participates on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn enables you to tailor your content and form of communication to users' preferences.
Why is choosing the right platform to promote a product/service important?
Choosing the right platform allows you to reach your target audience more precisely, build relationships and generate more engagement which directly translates into business profit.
How does social media affect marketing?

Social media is a key element of communication and social interaction, fundamentally changing the way businesses view and analyse their audiences. Today, businesses are focusing on preparing dedicated marketing strategies.

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