Understanding consumer behaviors through marketing research: a case study

Case Studies and Real-world Applications of Research
10 lipca 2024
1. Shelf behavior analysis: Secrets of product selection 2. Advertising response: Effectiveness of marketing communication 3. Product name evaluation: The power of words in evoking positive associations 4. Brand associations: Building lasting relationships
Understanding and adapting to evolving consumer behaviors is a key element of every business's success. Marketing research becomes an indispensable tool, allowing a deep dive into customer preferences and needs. In this article, we will focus on a case study, analyzing how marketing research aided in understanding consumer behaviors concerning shelf behavior analysis, advertising response, product name evaluation, and brand associations.


1. Shelf behavior analysis: Secrets of product selection

A grocery store is a place where many spontaneous purchasing decisions occur. Company X decided to delve into the secrets of product selection by analyzing consumer behaviors at the shelf. Marketing research included observations and surveys, asking consumers about the criteria influencing their choices. Results revealed that aesthetic packaging, clear ingredient information, and attractive pricing are key factors influencing purchasing decisions.

2. Advertising response: Effectiveness of marketing communication

Company Y, specializing in electronic products, decided to examine how customers respond to advertising before the launch of a new product. Marketing research included focus group studies and online activity analysis. The obtained data allowed the company to adjust its marketing communication, directing it more towards emotions and the benefits of the product. Customer reactions were more positive, translating into increased interest and sales.
Worth reading: Case studies and real-life applications of research

3. Product name evaluation: The power of words in evoking positive associations

Product names play a crucial role in creating impressions and associations. Company Z, specializing in the cosmetic industry, conducted research to evaluate the name of its new product. Marketing research included name tests, association analysis, and consumer reactions to verbal sounds. This enabled the company to choose a name that was not only easy to remember but also evoked positive associations with luxury and effectiveness.

4. Brand associations: Building lasting relationships

Company W, a leader in the fashion industry, understood the importance of brand associations in building lasting customer relationships. Marketing research included analyzing customer opinions about the brand and associated associations. The company used the results to adjust its marketing campaigns to the values customers attributed to the brand. This resulted in increased customer loyalty as they identified with the values represented by the brand.
In summary, marketing research is a crucial tool in understanding consumer behaviors, enabling the adjustment of business strategies to changing market needs. Shelf behavior analysis, advertising response, product name evaluation, and brand associations are areas where marketing research can provide valuable data. Consequently, companies can better understand their customers, adapt to their expectations, and effectively build lasting relationships, ultimately translating into increased competitiveness and success in the market.
- Organising an effective study of consumer behaviour at the shelf is more costly than other market research. Testing the effectiveness of merchandising activities sometimes requires a research technique in which the researcher conducts direct observation of consumer behaviour. However, this is not always necessary, as the knowledge of consumer behaviour - accumulated over years of experience - now enables researchers to use other, slightly less costly research with similar reliability - explains Dr Sebastian Musioł - a methodology expert at the Biostat Research and Development Centre.
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Frequently asked questions

What factors influence consumers' product selection at the shelf?

Aesthetic packaging, clear ingredient information, and attractive pricing are key factors influencing consumers' purchasing decisions.

In which areas can marketing research provide valuable data for a business?

Marketing research can provide valuable data in areas such as shelf behavior analysis, advertising response, product name evaluation, and brand associations.

Why is studying the name of a product important?

The product name influences the creation of positive associations. Research on product name evaluation includes name tests, association analysis, and consumer reactions to the name.

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