Qualitative methods in marketing research

What are qualitative methods? Key qualitative methods in marketing research Practical application of qualitative methods Summary
In marketing, understanding the customer is the foundation of any effective strategy, which is why qualitative methods play a key role. They allow for the exploration of consumers' motivations, emotions, and behaviors, often hidden behind numerical data. In this article, we will look at what qualitative methods are, their advantages, and how they can be effectively applied in marketing research.

What are qualitative methods?

Qualitative methods in marketing research are research approaches focused on understanding the qualitative aspects of consumer experiences and behaviors. Unlike quantitative methods, which rely on numbers and statistics, qualitative methods aim to explore the contexts, motivations, and meanings essential for understanding purchasing decisions and customer attitudes.
Advantages of qualitative methods
  1. Deep understanding: Qualitative methods provide rich, detailed information about customers' opinions, motivations, and emotions, often invisible in quantitative analyses.
  2. Flexibility: Qualitative research is more flexible and can be adjusted during the study, allowing for better adaptation to dynamic changes in consumer behavior.
  3. Contextualization: Qualitative methods enable the analysis of data in their natural environment, providing a better understanding of why customers make certain decisions.
- Qualitative methods allow for collecting detailed data that uncover new trends, patterns, and phenomena that may be overlooked in traditional quantitative research - adds Dr. Monika Jaremków, Director of R&D at the Biostat Research and Development Center.
See also: Marketing Research

Key qualitative methods in marketing research

In-depth Interviews (IDI)
In-depth Interviews (IDI) involve conducting detailed conversations with individual respondents. The flexible format of these interviews allows for the exploration of personal experiences, opinions, and motivations. Interviews can be conducted in person, by phone, or online.
Example Application: Studying consumer attitudes toward a new product through detailed conversations that reveal deep motivations and expectations.
Focus Group Interviews (FGI)
Focus Group Interviews (FGI) involve conducting discussions in small groups, usually 6-12 people, led by a moderator. FGI allows for obtaining diverse perspectives and dynamically examining interactions between participants.
Example Application: Testing consumer reactions to new advertisements or product concepts in a moderated discussion that can reveal unexpected insights and opinions.
Participant observation
Participant observation involves directly observing behaviors and interactions in their natural environment. The researcher may participate in the situation, allowing for data collection in a way less distorted by the researcher's presence.
Example Application: Observing customer behavior in a retail store to understand how they make purchasing decisions and what factors influence them.
Content analysis
Content analysis involves studying texts, social media, advertisements, or other materials to identify recurring themes, motifs, and trends. It allows for systematically analyzing large amounts of textual data.
Example application: Analyzing comments and posts on social media to identify trends and sentiments about a brand or product.

Practical application of qualitative methods

Segment research
Qualitative methods are ideal for discovering new market segments. By deeply analyzing consumer opinions and behaviors, it is possible to identify market niches and better tailor offerings to specific audience groups.
Testing new concepts
Through interviews and focus group interviews, companies can test new ideas, products, or marketing campaigns, gaining valuable feedback that helps tailor products to market expectations.
Qualitative research and product development
Qualitative methods enable a deeper understanding of customer needs and expectations, crucial when developing new products. They help identify innovative features or functions that may attract consumers.


Qualitative methods in marketing research are invaluable tools for companies aiming to understand their customers on a deeper level. With their flexibility, deep insights, and rich data, these methods enable the discovery of new perspectives, motivations, and trends that can form the basis for effective marketing strategies. Using qualitative methods in combination with quantitative techniques allows for creating comprehensive and effective solutions that meet the real needs and expectations of consumers.
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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to conduct qualitative research?

The duration of qualitative research depends on the complexity of the study, the number of participants, data collection techniques, and available resources. It can take from several weeks to several months.

How are participants selected for qualitative research?

Participants are usually selected through purposeful sampling, meaning they are chosen based on their knowledge of the topic, specific characteristics, or experiences relevant to the study.

How do qualitative research differ from quantitative research?

Qualitative research focuses on understanding meanings, experiences, and perspectives rather than statistical data analysis. Quantitative research, on the other hand, involves measuring and analyzing numerical data and identifying statistical patterns.

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