In-depth Interviews: Individual and group

Qualitative methods in marketing research
Individual In-Depth Interviews (IDI): Understanding individual needs and preferences Focus Group Interviews (FGI): Discussion and Social Dynamics Summary
In-depth interviews are a valuable method for exploring customers' needs, opinions, and preferences in marketing research. Among various data collection techniques, both individual and group interviews play a significant role in gaining a deeper understanding of the market and its audience. This article examines both individual and group interviews as key tools in marketing research.

Individual In-Depth Interviews (IDI): Understanding individual needs and preferences

Individual interviews provide an intimate and detailed insight into a customer's mind. The researcher can ask personalized questions, explore emotions and experiences, and delve into the customer's motivations. This approach allows for a better understanding of individual needs and preferences, leading to improved personalization of products, services, and marketing strategies.
Advantages of Individual In-Depth Interviews (IDI):
  • Intimacy and trust: Respondents often feel more comfortable in individual interviews, which can lead to more honest answers.
  • Flexibility: The researcher can adapt questions to the individual needs and reactions of the respondents in real-time.
  • In-depth analysis: The individual approach allows the researcher to explore topics in greater detail and delve into the emotions and motivations of the respondents.

Focus Group Interviews (FGI): Discussion and Social Dynamics

Group interviews are used to explore opinions, attitudes, and trends in a social context. In this format, a group of respondents is guided by a moderator in a discussion on a specific topic. Researchers observe interactions among participants and analyze group dynamics. This approach allows for understanding the social aspects of customers' behaviors and preferences.
Advantages of Focus Group Interviews (FGI):
  • Interaction and dynamic discussion: Group dynamics can lead to interesting and inspiring discussions, bringing new ideas and perspectives to light.
  • Time efficiency: Group interviews allow data collection from several respondents simultaneously, which can be more time-efficient than conducting multiple individual interviews.
  • Mutual influence: Observing how participants influence each other can provide valuable insights into social trends and preferences.
- During focus group interviews conducted at our company, we ensure that the moderator has contact (e.g., via a communicator) with team members and clients who observe the interview. This allows us to react in real-time to topics discussed during the conversation. Sometimes, participants bring up issues not covered by the script, which are worth exploring further, and we can ask the moderator to delve into those topics - adds Dr. Monika Jaremków, Director of R&D at the Biostat Research and Development Center.
In summary, both individual and group interviews have their advantages and applications in marketing research. The choice between them depends on specific research goals and the researcher's preferences. IDIs are more intimate and focused on individual needs, with questions that can be tailored to respondents' needs and reactions. FGIs, on the other hand, can be more dynamic and allow for observing interactions among participants and analyzing the social aspects of behavior.
See also: Qualitative methods in marketing research


In-depth interviews, both individual and group, are invaluable tools in marketing research. They provide a deeper understanding of customers' needs, opinions, and preferences, which can lead to better personalization of products, services, and marketing strategies. The choice between individual and group interviews depends on specific research goals, but both approaches can be effective in obtaining valuable data.
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Frequently asked questions

What are the main challenges associated with conducting individual and in-depth interviews?

The main challenges include building trust with the respondent, asking appropriate questions, managing time, and analyzing and interpreting large amounts of qualitative data.

What are the main advantages of individual and in-depth interviews?

The main advantages are obtaining detailed and rich data, understanding the context and perspective of the respondent, flexibility in conducting the conversation, and the ability to adapt questions during the interview based on the respondent's answers.

What tools can be used for recording and transcribing interviews?

For recording interviews, one can use dictaphones, smartphones, or specialized audio recording devices. For transcription, software like, NVivo, Trint, or other qualitative analysis tools can be used.

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